Tag Archives: to

Sometimes a bhag (google it) falls in your lap, which gives you a taste to conquer more!





HI guys,

A favor to ask for a dear childhood friend of mine.  Maria has been ill
since the summer after our graduation and has yet to recover.  Treatment has
included a four organ transplant and this year, she is up for yet another
transplant.  Once a bright, college-bound athlete and the picture of health
and by far our friend with the sunniest personality, she’s been a prisoner
to basically, a mystery illness.

She has made it to the finals for an HGTV makeover/renovation of her home,
which would be her sanctuary for recovery after her surgery.

Voting is easy, you don’t have to log in, simply visit the link on my
facebook or :
and vote for her.  I’d really appreciate it and she’s so independent, this
is as close as she has come to asking for help in over ten years.

Help me make her life a tiny bit easier, help her win her “happy bomb.”. .
.and I wouldn’t be bummed if you forwarded this to any of your HGTV junkie
friends.  🙂

Please and thank you in advance, every vote helps.


**** UPDATE-I have had folks ask HOW to vote.  Towards the top right there is a series of stars, when you pass your mouse over them, they turn red. . .click the far right star next to her “score” and it votes for you.  I believe you can only vote once but we are looking into the HGTV rules.  So, in case you can only vote once, spreading the word really helps since every vote for Maris is so precious.  Thanks for all your help!

“Up” house tour in Utah



Visit this link for the cutest home tour ever, the house from UP built to real life scale.  Something upbeat to think about after a terrible weekend, helicopter crashes and loss, riots and fires in London and stock woes.  I’m enjoying spotty internet and a tough work day (nothing in comparison, I know) so I needed the smile.  Hope you survive your Monday also.

I get by with a little help from my friends, thanks folks for reposting this for me.

You have, you have asked me. . .


Sorry, been a little awol lately, blame it on lots of work (which is a very good thing), getting that tv project off and running (which, maybe a few months down the road, right now, it’s one giant pile of “to-do”) and a kind of late breaking, too-good an offer to turn down that has me hunkered down turning my brain to pudding nightly which, hopefully will result in a handy dandy, dare I say almost amazing announcement in the near future, so keep posted.  In the meantime, share some fairy dust with me, massive piles of reading and to-do lists galore.

Howaboutwe.com is a handy dandy website with a great personality and I dug it until I got a scalding email from a friend today. . .calling me out as both a victim and a perpetrator.  Noted.  The link is being cranky but visit the site to read “The Five Signs You’re a Filler Girlfriend” . . .  (wish the good old ellipses had dramatic music here).  It’s a disease, apparently, and I have it.  I have filler boyfriends too which further complicates things.  Yes, I have been to countless Marine Corps Balls (I have a brigade of spare gowns, matching shoes, purses and wraps and my Ball Gown article on here, most hits of any of my blog posts), weddings. . .and even a holiday dinner with a guy friend who’s main squeeze at the time was too atrocious to meet the parents so I was drug in as a stand-in.

I have standing lunch, dinner, golf dates, movie nights, range afternoons (ok, admittedly, you do have way more fun toys) with fellas I guess I’d describe (and ditto in return) as a friend.  I’d say I was feeling used if I didn’t do it in return.  Work functions, occasional holiday party stand-ins, moving sofas, hanging curtains. . .you fellas are the greatest.  I love that you know how I like my steak, send food back that I am allergic to, remember my birthday, ask about my family. . .however. . .thinking it’s time that I throw myself to the wolves instead of using you or letting you use me as a security blanket.

I have a wedding in the near future.  As a guest.  You can exhale now.  I know my pals want me to be there to share their special day, but also know that for a golf resort wedding, I am being brought in as “fun single friend.”  Which means I’m not bringing another date who will attend to me all night, pose for silly pictures, humor me with a dance or two, pull out chairs, open doors and refill wine with out being asked.  Wouldn’t it be nice to share a fun, lavish weekend with a pal, yup, however, that doesn’t get you near a groomsman. . .or anyone else for that matter.

Apparently, the best part of being single is occasionally showing folks that you are, indeed, single.  So I’ll work on that.  Right after dinner tonight.

In the meantime, enjoy a treasure I found.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EOSDOA0tCs&feature=player_embedded#at=65   Yes, this is at the close of a blog post with a magic wand at the intro, please don’t color yourself surprised.