Tag Archives: hubert

Should be an interesting week!


Libra Horoscopes

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Last Week | This Week | Next Week

For the Week of Oct 14th, 2013 — Expect a major shake-up in your love life this week. On Wednesday, a conversation between you and your partner might open the door to a newfound mutual understanding and awareness that previously eluded you. Then, Friday’s Lunar Eclipse in your 7th House of Commitment will bring things to a crashing climax. A relationship turning point is imminent, and whichever way you go there will be no turning back. Will it be an ending or a new beginning? Wednesday’s dialogue might give you the answer.


So far, the wunderkind is wonderful at following directions.  I asked despite early signals he might arrive before his due date that he wait until he was fully developed, he did.  I asked that he think about reserving his own special birthday with both his father’s and mine at the second half of last month, he did.  I pointed out a birthday on the 13th might be not-so-great-mojo, so far, so good.

The house is as clean as an overdue woman can make happen, and have reached the uncomfortable point when even work emails and lead follow up is out of the scope of my attention span.  Looking forward, as baby G’s Realtor for life, to him moving out of his current studio digs and into something with some more room and though I have loved the creation of growth of this fantastic life, I’m looking forward to no longer being a duplex.  😉

Youtube, “theiraq” and the such.


Because some things are painful:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww

Educating yourself about real estate shouldn’t.


I promise, no spam or terrible links.  Brief snippets about real estate in Eastern NC and hopefully more to come- pending negotiations with some exclusionary contracts pending a possible tv deal, long story, and RIGHT up there with working on having a baby, I’ve reached the hopefully near a decision making point where things may come to fruition oooooorrrrr we all move on.

Meantime, despite the fun rumors, I plan NO maternity leave (crazy talk you say? nay, single mom roaring, look out business world, fighting for more than an arbitrary goal list from here on out.) so I will most certainly be moving forward with my team in helping folks in Eastern NC with their real estate needs as well as our FREE red carpet concierge service to help folks relocate anywhere in the world.

As usual, visit http://www.JasonGruner.com for more real estate info, a great free phone app and AMAZING access to local real estate information.

I’m also working on a stroller patrol, if you’re local and looking to network for running and/or walking – we’re working on a fun group to help cheer one another on towards their goals, not to mention just the fun fellowship and friendship. 🙂

Hope you are well and enjoying your internet browsing this evening!

:-) Can’t help but laugh at life sometimes.



POCS, endometriosis, and fibroids.  A surgery that took twice as long as planned and was considered not possibly a “success” followed by months of multiple daily injections, mixing drugs, MANY visits to ECU and Brody School of Medicine for treatment, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture . . .and years later after thinking kids of my own were not exactly in the cards. . .the best surprise ever.  I actually hung on to this last pack of drugs and shot kit as a reminder that the timing would be right to try the whole turning-myself-inside-out routine one more time.

Life is short, take the plunge, try the path less traveled. . .sure, the water can be rough or the path filled with briars and pot holes. . .but that’s how you get to the most amazing places.

Baby Garrett is a motivator in more ways than one.



I never thought I was a person who would get such pleasure from doing something someone had told me wasn’t possible, even if I wasn’t planning to do so.  I have made some personal and professional decisions over the years based on the supposition that children of my own were a very long shot, at least without serious medical intervention.

This handsome fellow, with his fist in the air says challenge your thoughts, challenge convention.  When life places a bend in your path or an “obstacle” you weren’t anticipating. . .take the dive.  I have to admit, previously I had been a “keep the status quo” kind of girl, anti-surprise party. . .and a planner ten steps in advance (as a very clumsy child who was placed in ballet as a toddler- plotting your next dozen steps keeps you from tripping and falling).  HE has been the most mind blowing and joyous surprise I could have NEVER anticipated.

Part of me would love to pack up Garrett for a visit to the Brody School of Medicine for a hello and visit to some nurses I got to know very well years ago, but I’m so pleased with the (not so, since I’m writing here) silent knowledge  that despite some crazy hurdles, insane odds, and what-are-the-chances timing. . .he’s almost here.

To date, Garrett is the best adventure I’ve taken.  I can’t wait to see what my cohort and I get into in this next very exciting chapter in my life.  So far, he’s been a most excellent and gallant escort while meeting clients and showing homes.  🙂

May you have many exciting new chapters in YOUR life and amazing adventures on your horizon.

McKenzie Johnson Laurence- spelling matters today, apparently.



Pies, guns, furniture and roasted lamb.



Is it just me or are men game for almost any activity that involves a gun?

Tomorrow, nursery furniture arrives.  Well, two dressers, two twin beds, a nightstand and a rocking chair in tiger’s eye maple.  As a Realtor, I enjoy hearing clients figure out loud which rooms will be for which family member and where furniture will go.  I’m lacking that clarity thus far.  Not 100% sure where everything will be set up and there’s the matter of the crib.

Dear baby supply stores and big box outlets: please don’t leave things on your display floor that are A. already sold out 2. not an option to purchase as they have been on display and are considered “unsafe for resale” and III. provide no alternates for ordering purposes.  So, of course I have scoped out some back-up options which aren’t exactly what I had in mind but in terms of features and function are on par, but price point, of course is more. . .beware the DANG upsale!  Le sigh.

Tomorrow is a big gathering at the house, to both unpack and unload furniture but also to meet and greet.  I’m taking full advantage of pregnancy insomnia to catch up on projects that didn’t get done today while showing homes.  I have one key lime pie (from scratch) complete and cooling and one “crack” pie in the oven ( http://chefindisguise.com/2013/06/27/momofuku-milk-bar-crack-pie/ ) and deviled eggs hanging out in the fridge.  Tomorrow I am whipping up some roasted lamb and a tenderloin, couscous and ratatouille.  Somehow I feel if I can’t help with the heavy lifting I can at least make sure everyone is full after the fact.

Looking for dinner/dessert/nursery/painting/new construction/work motivation and more?  You’re welcome to always check out my Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/mckenzie27/boards/ for suggestions and inspiration.

And for those thirty of so of you per week that are finding my site looking for a registry (I use my nerd powers for good instead of evil (-; ) , target, babies r us and amazon-   at some point I suppose I should post links and I’ll get around to that, but there’s laundry to be done and a wiry black lab puppy who needs a bath before we call it a night!

Hope your summer is treating you well!  As always, you’re welcome to contact me @ McKenzieSellsHomes@gmail.com for Residential Real Estate questions and needs.  Rentals, sales, bank-owned, short sale, investment and more- I’m your Eastern North Carolina connection.



I just spent a green tea break (breaking up with diet coke is so hard to do) and thought I would check in and see what the blog stats are lately and OHMYGOLLYINSERTVISIONSOFAHAPPYDANCE!  Thanks for your visits folks, they do mean a lot. . .any requests for topics to cover?  This season things tend to slow down a bit though I am finding myself ankle deep in sand and muck at job sites frequently enough these days but there’s a smidge more time to blog, so, there’s that.  More attention headed this way soon, I promise.

What else is new?  Weighing the options of going all apple, thoughts and feelings?  I prepped for my first five k and have to say, something nice about crossing a finish line (no, time wasn’t stupendous, however, I wasn’t last either) has me thinking I’d like to do it again now that running is finally starting to be a little more fun.  Running has been helpful in the splendor and fun that is a Marine Corps Ball. . .nothing like an evening gown and spanks to have you running to the gym!

More fun articles to come, and better links (twitter is so dang much faster, sorry for being lazy). . .

In the meantime, feel free to find me on twitter @ realestatekenz and on FB if you’re interested.