Tag Archives: civilian

SAIC, a growing presence in Stone Bay



It seems daily we hear locally of new jobs, new companies and corporations joining our great community.  SAIC (www.saic.com) , Barnes and Noble (www.barnesandnoble.com), Starbucks (www.starbucks.com), and Walmart (www.walmart.com) have increased their stakes in the Jacksonville and Surrounding Onslow County economy joining businesses already enjoying the troop increases like Target, Petsmart, Pier One, and more.

Jacksonville has come a long way baby, and is growing daily. . .the various planning departments of our community are working overtime to make room for the troops that have already begun to move into the area, an expected 9,900 in our area by 2011. . .not to mention the various civilian counterparts and support positions that will crop up along the way.  It’s an exciting time to call this area home.