Tag Archives: liberty

201 America Court, Jacksonville, NC 28540

Can you imagine a better address in a military town? Located on a bit of a hill on the corner of a cul de sac is this charmer of a three bedroom, two bath
home. Lovingly maintained with new carpet (with a ten year transferable warranty), new flooring in the kitchen and designer paint colors. A HUGE deck to
enjoy the big privacy-fenced in yard complete with a functioning gate to keep little ones and four legged friends on or off the deck. A storage shed and
fenced vegetable garden make the yard complete. Designer colors throughout the house . Large sectional furniture or a fan of a super entertainment
system? The large family room in this home can accommodate just about anything! Located just off of Dawson Cabin Road, it’s a wonderful commute to the
air station (one left turn at the new stoplight on highway 17), new shopping centers and Stone Bay but enjoy saving on taxes!

http://www.postlets.com/res/5707995  Here’s a link to my freshly minted flyer for the home.

New listings, new buyers, a sales rally, OH MY!


I’m locking myself in my bathroom until the Wash and Brush Up Co from the Wizard of Oz shows up.  I’ve been busy, two new listings since I was last on here (I know, the shame–but there’s everywhere else on the ‘net), a new buyer or three and an additional listing hopefully hitting before the end of the week so I will keep ya posted on that (just off of Western, 4/2 one car garage, wood burning fireplace in the den, four sided brick) and I head out of town soon for the Century 21 of the Carolinas Sales Rally.

So, what’s a Rally?  It’s a great chance once/twice a year to meet up with industry peers, swap war stories (naturally) and also pointers of what is working both new and old school in their communities as well as check some boxes on some amazing classes for our state/national mandated electives for the year as well as extra classes to learn new tricks or how to do old ones better.  I’m  super excited about the chance to break away from the office for a bit even if it’s for a work conference trip.  Market absorption rates, marketing standards and guidelines, how to make a short sale/foreclosure sale move more smoothly (pro tip, a “short sale” is nothing close to that, often taking months to wrap up and anything to make the foreclosure mess more clean…I’m in), etc. 
