Tag Archives: maternity leave

Life lesson of the day, know your limitations!


I’d post photos, but they’re horrid and I got my giggles out sharing them with a handful of folks already.  Safe to say, trying to shave your legs the week of your due date and hoping to maintain some semblance of dignity and attractiveness does not compute.  I gave up toenail painting months ago and bought (gasp) some terrible sneakers that had zippers since shoelace tying is impossible . . .found a great pedicurist who gives a killer calf massage (which, let’s face it, is the main reason a decent pedicure is soooo addictive).  WHY would I expect leg shaving to continue to be easy. . .arugh.  Basically, I think I just sent out a bat signal to Dracula and I’m waiting to run out to put signs and lockboxes on homes as I’m still using a hand towel (hand.towel. not a tissue) to get things under control.

So, I’m slow at times and apparently need to have some things hammered into my noggin.  Knowing my own limitations or at least conditional/short term limitations.

I booked myself a business meeting in Wilmington tomorrow (about an hour each way, on the long side with traffic, door to door).  I’m hoping that’s not beyond my scope for the time being.  ALC meeting Wednesday at the office as well. . .I’m shooting for full brain power, arriving early and wearing something that looks remotely business appropriate and flattering.  We shall see!

Woking on baby-proofing my business, as a pal of mine in D.C. likes to call the situation.  Have any pointers?  I’m VERY lucky on one hand to have a career that doesn’t have a traditional time clock and “office,” however, it means it never sleeps. . .couple that with a newborn who’s trying to find their own sleep schedule and I anticipate things will get a little entertaining!